About the club
The Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Cassville Golf Club and briefly introduce you to our association to help make you feel right at home whether you are playing golf or attending one of our golf or social functions.
Starting with a community meeting in March of 1964, local golf enthusiasts banded together to begin planning Cassville’s very first grass-green golf course. The original 70 acre tract was purchased on April 13, 1965 and soon after, construction began on the original 9 hole course. The dream was finally realized when the course was officially dedicated on November 25, 1965 (Thanksgiving Day) as then Missouri Governor, Warren Hearnes, was on hand for the dedication ceremonies. This golf course dedication was quite significant to the State of MO as Cassville represented the very first FHA financed golfing facility in the State. Even though other similar financing endeavors were made over the years, Cassville earned the reputation for being their most successful golf course financing project. The first association meeting was held in January of 1965. At the annual meeting in 1966, a 7-member board of directors was created to manage the business and affairs of the corporation. This structuring has continued to this day. Each board member is elected by a vote of the membership for a term of 3 years. Each January, the annual meeting is held at the golf course with proper notice given to each member.
The Cassville Golf Course officially grew from 9 holes to 18 holes with a fun-filled dedication held on June 11, 1988. John Q Hammons was our guest speaker while Ned Reynolds of KY3 was the official starter on the first tee. There were other special out-of-town guests present that were just as anxious as our members to christen the course by participating in the very first day of 18-hole golf in Cassville. The current layout was developed by effectively blending and intertwining the original design with the new construction ideas to create a feeling of playing a brand new golf course. This combination of the ‘old and new’ has grown and developed into a facility that was recently recognized by the Kansas City Star as of the 10 finest public golf courses in the state of Missouri.
Although Cassville Golf Course is a membership driven association, it is open to the general public. The green fees and cart rental fees that are generated by this outside play make up a very important part of our budget which assists the association in keeping the annual dues and other fees at very reasonable levels. Besides the opportunity to play golf on a daily basis at one of the finest courses in the state, the golf club also offers a first-rate swimming facility as well as a convenient driving range to help keep your game in tune.
Chuck Edie is our Course Administrator who along with his experienced staff, operates the pro-shop keeping it well stocked with golfing supplies and other items. The Pro Shop is responsible for collecting all daily green and cart fees as well as assigning tee times, when necessary. Justin Wilson is our Greens Superintendent who has been an integral part of our golf course operations for several years. Justin has an excellent staff who works very hard to make sure the course remains in excellent condition for your daily enjoyment.
There’s nothing like the convenience of a rural golf course when it comes to being able to play almost daily without prior arrangements. However, it is advisable to check with the Pro Shop to make sure your desired playing time is available, especially on weekends. There are daily, weekly and monthly special golfing events that offer continuing opportunities for men, women and children to participate in games of all varieties. It is recommended that you keep tabs on these special events and tournaments that are held throughout the year to avoid any undesirable conflicts in schedules. Just visit our website or watch for announcements posted at the course. These events are not only enjoyable but they can give each of you excellent opportunities to become better acquainted with the membership.
It is the goal of this association to help make you feel good about your decision to belong to the Cassville Golf Club. Once again, welcome and we look forward to seeing you at the course.
The Cassville Board of Directors