Thirty six (36) year old and up
$86.25 per month / $1026 per year
Includes: Unlimited golf, pool, and reduced rental of Club facilities.
Carts Not Included
*Full Family Membership includes: Member, Spouse, Children in household
$136.25 per month / $1626 per year
Family “Basic"- Includes: Unlimited Family Golf, with One Unlimited Seat in a Cart.
Membership covers spouse and kids, which includes use of pool.
$176.25 per month / $2106 per year
Junior Family “Full”- Includes: Unlimited Family Golf, and Unlimited Cart for 2 Adults.
Membership covers spouse and kids, which includes use of pool.
Member Daily Cart Rental (Per Seat):
$8.00 for 9 Holes
$15.00 for 18 Holes
Cart Storage (Annual):
$300 for Gas Cart
$360 for Electric Cart
*Members are not required to purchase a cart pass.
4$ per month / $48 per year
Trail Fees for Members without a Cart Plan:
$8 for 9 Holes, per seat, any cart
$15 for 18 Holes, per seat, any cart
*Members with the Cart Storage Plan will be exempt from trail fees while riding in another Member's Cart in the Storage Plan.
*Members with a cart in storage will only be required to pay a trail fee if CGC provides the Seat/Cart.
35 years old and under
Available to Individuals, and Families*, who are 35 years old or younger at the beginning of the calendar year.
Sharing a common Household. *Based on the age of oldest adult in household.
$66.25 per month / $786 per year
Junior Membership- Includes: Unlimited Family Golf, NO CART INCLUDED.
Cart is available @ $6 for 9 holes; or $12 for 18 holes, per Adult Member.
Membership covers spouse and kids, which includes use of pool.
$96.25 per month / $1146 per year
Junior Family “Basic"- Includes: Unlimited Family Golf, with One Unlimited Seat in a Cart.
Membership covers spouse and kids, which includes use of pool.
$116.25 per month / $1386 per year
Junior Family “Full”- Includes: Unlimited Family Golf, and Unlimited Cart for 2 Adults.
Membership covers spouse and kids, which includes use of pool.